In remembrance of my great politician, prestigious veteran father, I had the joy of being invited to the Post 43 American Legion supper meeting on independence day. What a phenomenal night it was to be a guest at this special event. The fourth of July barbecue-style was delectable, and it was nice to see the active duty men, women, and honorably discharged veterans gathered in one place in an elegant setting. The event was held at the Hollywood Legion Theater Memorial Clubhouse in Hollywood, Ca.

Post 43 is a Hollywood foundation, established in 1919 by WWI veterans working in the movie business. Its individuals have included Hollywood illuminators like Clark Gable, Charlton Heston, Mickey Rooney, Gene Autry, Ronald Reagan, Stan Lee, and the sky is the limit from there. Today, Post 43 flaunts about 1,200 Legion Family individuals made up of veterans, Sons, and Auxiliary.

Their mission is to guide youth and sponsorship of healthy projects in their networks, upholding respect, advancing reliable national security, and proceeding with a dedication to their kindred servicemembers and veterans.

The American Legion is an objective, not-revenue driven association with extraordinary political impact propagated by its grass-established contribution in the enactment procedure from neighborhood locale to Capitol Hill. Legionnaires’ feeling of commitment to network, state, and country drives a genuine backing for veterans in Washington. The Legion stands behind the issues most essential to the country’s veterans network, sponsored by goals gone by volunteer administration.

The American Legion’s prosperity depends totally on dynamic enrollment, interest, and volunteerism. The association has a place with the general population it serves and the networks in which it flourishes.